Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Post Election 2020

I waft in the rejoice
Breathing together with all those who breathe
Shaking my limbs together with all those who shake or shiver
Connecting with every surprise I encounter or never expected
Hoping for compassion, grace and courage.

I linger in the air as the bright yellow ginkgo leaves dance their way to the ground
I take time to smell the flowers and the coffee
I wander off the trodden path to find my joy and my comfort
Planning to see you all when I get there.

Relaxed and breathing deeply for the first time in so long
No longer as frightened as that chipmunk scurrying by
As courageous as the pale yellow cat that graces my bamboo, my dog, my deck and me
Soft and gentle again, or for the first time in so very long.

Weep no more, my ladies
Instead, let's get out the vote 
And urge all those Georgia voters
To speak loudly with their voices
To stomp bravely with their feet
To hear a resounding beginning of
The change that will rock this world.

Now, I sleep more soundly than ever before
I dream big and tiny dreams of hope, sorrow, grief and death
I imagine Rebirth now occurring
As babies and children 
Slouch their ways toward Bethlehem.*

*paraphrased from the last line of W. B Yeats' poem, The Second Coming
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"