Thursday, April 27, 2023

A Covenant with Life and with Death

A Portuguese Man O’ War sails by

Its name originating from a ship of war

Both have sails, both sturdy structures

Both deadly

The colonial Man ‘O War is anchored

By its tentacles sometimes reaching

Between 30 and 100 feet below the watery 

Surface while its small sail moves along with

Ocean currents and winds

Each Man O’ War’s colonies come from the same egg

Zooids have different jobs underneath the

Surface of water, some hunting, some 

Digesting, some reproducing

Like humans, sea creatures live their lives

Evolving, developing ways

To eat, digest, move, and have babies

So the species will survive

Old warships certainly had purposes

Functions, did their jobs, protecting by

Shooting canons, battling the enemy, but

Like musket loading, canons take time and energy

A bit cumbersome, taking time to

Effectively effect their power

Too bad assault style weapons

Don't kill slowly like muskets 

Rather, rapid fire mass of bullets 

Tear through living bodies

Assault weapons mow down children

As fast as a rainfall, or a flash flood

We create these weapons

Perhaps once meant to protect a country 

That offers food, shelter, safety and

The pursuit of happiness

Too bad a single individual (for whatever reason)

Can kill massive amounts of children

With hardly a moment of intervention

Obstacle or barrier

Murdering children like the drop of a hat

A Covenant, a contract made between

At least two

What kind of Covenant 

Does an assault weapon create?

With whom?

We are all complicit

Knowingly or not

We are still agreeing to 

This covenant

Even now

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Enchant Me!

Enchanted I wander through misty meadows

Gazing at trees, grasses, and flowers


How this magical place became what it is today

Who were the artists, the hands that carved the rocks

Who scooped out the seas

Who planted the first seeds

And who oversees Gaia now?

A Big Bang

A quantum leap

A god or goddess

Or a bursting star

Whose dust magnetized

To create such a splendid space 

To host living beings?

Or, all of the above and more?

The Enchantress narrows her focus

Takes out an arrow, placing it in her bow

Stabbing me with a gut wrenching blow

Knocking the breath out of me

I fall down, grabbing my solar plexus

She has hunted me 

Time after time

Racing to catch up to my

Speed, my moving to my rapid

Electrical impulses

Not just running away necessarily

But always running fast

Stop! She bellows

(I am punched)

If you won’t slow down

Just stop and lie here still

(She puts her foot on my belly)

I have you now

My little plaything

I brought you into this world

And I can take you out

But, I keep giving you chance

After chance to pull together

To stabilize and listen carefully

Although you are clever and cunning

And slide so swiftly in and out of 

Reality, I can still catch you

Proud of myself but also fearful

About her great power

I cower under that large

Heavy foot

OK, I give, I say

At that point, she disappears

Flowing into the mountains

Into the streams

Creating no havoc, just floating 

Along, beckoning me to follow

I stand, I jump up into the air and 

Warm breezes carry me to 

A cliff where she awaits

About to create a waterfall

Dive down with me

The water will come

You have to trust me

Sophia Gaia proclaims

I will do you no harm

We sail out into the air

I transform into a alligator

She a a snake

We fall down (or glide)

Fast toward the earth, but

Before we crash

Into ground, waters gush

Behind us and carry us

Swiftly down above

The stones that would have

Smashed us up badly

What now?

Do you trust me now?
Sophia Gaia asks

Can you turn water into wine? I mutter
I just did, you silly, she responds

As I turn toward her this time

All of a sudden, I hear

Thunder, I see lightning

Have I displeased her or

Is she just done with me?

I slowly transform back to the person

I have always been

Life after life

Death after death

Feeling a little lighter

A little stronger

Certainly more courageous

I lapse into a silent walk

Slower and more reflective somehow

Moving toward my next encounter with 

The Enchantress

Friday, April 14, 2023



For answers?

Not necessarily

Search for what?

The unknown

The known

The still to be



Whatever is found

Gifts, opportunities

For growth




What has been learned


Given and received


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Creating Bliss

Dark clouds cover eyes

In order to truly see

Without vision

Difficult mobility


Or be stopped

To see more clearly

Immediately, fear rises mightily

Not in in control anymore

At all

Are we ever really in control?

Surrender to the absence 

Of control

Only then in the sweet stillness of the night

Can the birds sing vibrantly


First, sturdy foundation

Be fully rooted now

Tethered in order to soar

Only now can transformation happen

But, not yet

The truth is the stillness

The vulnerability to trust, to love

To receive instead of doing, giving

The letting go, living without attachments

To die to sleep

To sleep, perchance to dream*

To see 

To be

With open eyes, the world is so distracting 

Can't fully focus on the inner realms

And on the Divine until we

Close our eyes so we can see 

A prayer:

Open our hearts so we can hear

Drain us of our pride and our arrogance

So that we can stop and listen more clearly

Silently mediating and covering eyes 

Blocking out external sight

Sensory deprivation leads to

Understanding who we are

Where we are

What is true

Eruptions of doubt, fear, anxiety

Burst forth and dissolve slowly

No intervention needed

Just time and breath

A quiet, still place where we 

Stop spinning around

Safe and soft

Tender and howling

All the demons and the angels 

Arise together momentarily

Treading softly

Healing slowly

Miraculous and magical

No blueprint or rule book here

Totally led and guided by the force

The power of the Source

The Great Spirit Mystery

The Divine Energy

All gobbledygook

Word salad, this language makes no sense

Still happening no matter whether 

We understand or not

Doing just by thinking

Doing just by writing

Time has to stop as well

No schedule, no routine

Everything stops


Except for the breath, the sounds and the silence

The light moves away, the darkness increases

And, then nothing at all for just one moment


No thing




Not fully alone


*William Shakespeare's Hamlet