Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Once upon a time

All I knew was warmth

Nurturance, safety, love

An idea of heaven

At that time, I was floating around 

Drifting along in sparkles and space

Gases and liquids holding me gently

Once upon another time, I felt 

One flesh splitting into two

My bones crushing together

Constricting and contracting


Danger, danger!


Suddenly, I flew out of my earthly mother's womb 

Thankfully caught - by cold hands

Breath?  What is that?

A discomfort in my belly, throat and 

And chest, coughing, crying

My first breath, shaking, shrieking

Falling into my mother's

Warm, pillowy breast

Sinking into her tender, supple skin

A gush of milk flowed into my

Mewling mouth and

I discovered heaven on earth

Now, remembering, I yearn for

The embrace of meditation or sleep 

When I merge with the Divine Mother

Once again

She never lets me go

Friday, October 21, 2022


The tightly held umbilical cord 


Letting go of biological family

Earth history

No longer tethered

We wander

Fear so rooted to being human

Or being anything living on this planet

We are all seeded by exploding stars 

Scattering galactic particles 

When (like Mother Earth formed)

Gravity and magnetism pulled together 

Stardust transforming into more

Solid earthly life

Committing to being human

Living our best lives while feeling the tug

Fear, ache, and separation from ancient 

Family energies, our birth places throughout

Space and every part of the cosmos

Does stardust ask us to have a

Mission here on earth?

Why did we come here

Individually and collectively?

Living these Mysterious questions

Our structure offers hints

Our bodies, tiny parts of our

Soul's purpose here

Hearts, minds and spirits

Personalities incorporate so

Many spinning sets of particles

Let us bow to them and pray

We ask for guidance hearing a message

Encoded in our breath, released over and 

Over again, surrendering our control

Fighting with our resistances instead of

Embracing them and thanking them

For deep healing and growth

Knowing and unknowing


The imprint of all that has 

Happened up until the present

All that has come before

Connecting each part with another

Spinning out the web of change and


Coming home

Saturday, October 8, 2022

El Cóndor

Andean Cóndor

King of the Birds

Hypnotic, haunting 


Black with priestly

White collar

Long living vulture

Sacred scavenger

Cleaning up

After death

Processing life

Wing span almost

Twice my height

Nesting high up

On rock ridge

Wondrous wings

Taking flight

Sailing the winds

Soaring the skies

Biting through tough skin

Feasting on flesh

Much like the 

Majestic mushroom

Decomposing the 

Decaying dead

Recycling Life

Nurturing the Earth

Mystical, miraculous 



Bridging between

Heaven and Earth

Whispering in our ears

Break Free!

Travel the winds!

Set yourself on Fire

With the Phoenix!

I will meet you there 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

An Epistle on Rage

American women try to take back 

Our rights to make decisions about

Our bodies, our families

Iranian women fight to liberate

Their hair, seeking freedom from

Patriarchal, tyrannical rule

Grieving so many years of being

Silenced, shushed like little girls

Instead of adult women

Why do men try to control 

Women so?

We have each been birthed into

Our cultures, these spaces and

Places that support men’s towering

Over women and girls

Their attempting to control our 

Bodies, our brains, our looks

Our hair and our spirits


You can tie me down to a bed

You can burn me at a stake

Watching me die - and still

My Soul will unleash the chain

You placed around me, healing

Every arrow you shot through 

My heart

My Soul leaps with Ecstasy and Joy

You can no longer strangle my sweet spirit

My sacred and sublime spark will burn 

Your fingertips

Every time you try to touch me