As humans, we have fears
Fears of drowning
Fears of choking
Fear of being left
All alone and
To death
We fear pain
We fear loss
We fear going crazy
We fear so much
We are human and
These fears are human
Believing these fears
To be the Truth
Holding onto them and
Letting them define us
Cause great suffering
Which leads to constricting
Ourselves, our bodies,
Hearts and minds
Tightening up more and more
We build walls around
All parts of us
Only letting out the parts
Who promise to behave
And even then, they make
Mistakes at times
So we bring them back inside
Behind our prison walls
We cannot feel
We are numb
We can't feel pain
We can't feel joy either
Our walls become an
Impenetrable hard, thick crust
So that we don’t even know
How to access what has been
Covered up for so long
We don't even know
What is even behind or
Inside our fortress
Can’t punch holes in it
Can’t assault it without
Attacking our whole selves
Wounding the healthy parts
All of the sudden something happens
We see or hear or feel something
New and different
Which calls to us
Which attracts us
Which begs us to listen and to see
Clearly what the Truth really is
We get busy trying to chisel out
A tiny window through our
Ancient layers of wall
And finally see some light
Just a tiny bit
A pleasant aroma flows in
A calm breeze moves toward us
Introducing us to
What is to come next
Which is
So clearly experienced
For the first time
It seems awfully silly
We thought that this was a
Secret, reserved only for
The Most Holy
Now with clear eyes open
We cannot imagine how
We didn’t see, hear or feel
This before
And once experienced
We don't go back
Inside our prison walls
This Truth: We are beloved
We are so loved
And that doesn't change
We have never known
This powerful consistent
Promise of being held
As humans
With no pain
No fears
For the rest of our human lives
And for eternity
The only trick to receiving
This news is that we
Must agree to
Share it with everyone
So that they can join us
In Love
In a brand new and different
Time and space
This journey is not
For the faint of heart
But what else is there
For us
Besides this?
This Truth is full of the
Immortal energies that
Have always been here
Will always be here
For all of us to share
Come see!