Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Magical, Magenta Spring



Floating in the

Magical, magenta spring

The Magdalen sisters

Waiting to receive

Ready to hold and be held

Planning to share the 

Ancient Mysteries 

The Beatific Blood

The Well of the Womb

The portal into the 

Heart of Mother Earth

Flowing upwards into the 

Sparkling arms of the Cosmos

Spirits and Souls

Gather together

Announcing the new

Sacred Freedom

Offered to each of us

Healing old wounds

From lifetime after lifetime

Sealing the scars from this

Contemporary life

From the inside out

Mother and Father Spirits

Descend, taking our hands

Leading us to the garden

Lush with color and light

The abundant greenery

Full of hope, life and love

The magical, magenta spring

Sprouting from deep inside

The earth washes us clean

Transforms our bodies and 

Connects us with our hearts

Our throats, our breath

So that we can speak 

Compassionate freedom

More clearly than

Ever before

Deep Wisdom

Wild Water


Magnetic Mysteries

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Celestial Ceremonies

Sprinkling water on babies' heads, signs of the cross

Dunking people underwater, symbolizing new life

Ceremonies of love

Ceremonies of grief

Mother Nature, baptizing us in wildfires, hurricanes

Shaking herself with earthquakes

Human, bird, insect, reptile, and animal beings, injured, dying, dead

Forests in ashes, new growth already springing forth

Celebrations of transitions from womb to birth

From death to new life

From one way of being to another

From gender to gender

To honor and respect change and growth

Anoint ourselves and each other

Douse us with water or oils

A daily journey through life, transforming, transmuting


A ceremony to end all other ceremonies

Take a breath and relax

Activation takes time, diving downward

Into dark Mother Earth's womb

To feel, to witness all the shadowy parts of

Ourselves, the dark beings in our lives

Get to know and embrace them

Bring them up into the light

A ceremony for accepting all our internal parts

Even those that trouble us

A celestial ceremony 

Lifting us up into the Spirit World

Where we are naked

Once more

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Queen Dragon Flying

Luminous iridescent wings beating fast

Flying so quickly she bumped her head badly

One moment she was breathing

The next moment she was not

Spontaneously and magically, though stunned

This dazzling dragonfly began her transformation

From complex cells to a community of colonies

A Portuguese Man O’War

Floating on the ocean, wafted by winds

Though gelatinous, still in charge of her kingdom

Part of her community hunted, some gathered

Some digested the nourishment, building strength

Within currents of water, transitioning into

A dragon different than a fly, her sails

Captured wind currents, gliding her along to 

An unknown destination

So special, she graced the world with her beauty

Her joy, her deep caring for others, delighting

Children, elders, and all beings on this earth from
Shore to sky to the waters deep

During her metamorphosis, she floated tenderly on

The warming waters of my soul, gazing at

Boats, seagulls, fish, rays, coral and sea fans, all

Dipping into the eternal waters of this life on Mother Earth

Surrendering, she let go, released any and 

All struggles, pausing for a moment

Saying goodbye to this life

Then moving on to the next, in time and space

Enjoying the stars, moons, the sun, and 

All energetic beings everywhere

Pure peace