Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Celestial Ceremonies

Sprinkling water on babies' heads, signs of the cross

Dunking people underwater, symbolizing new life

Ceremonies of love

Ceremonies of grief

Mother Nature, baptizing us in wildfires, hurricanes

Shaking herself with earthquakes

Human, bird, insect, reptile, and animal beings, injured, dying, dead

Forests in ashes, new growth already springing forth

Celebrations of transitions from womb to birth

From death to new life

From one way of being to another

From gender to gender

To honor and respect change and growth

Anoint ourselves and each other

Douse us with water or oils

A daily journey through life, transforming, transmuting


A ceremony to end all other ceremonies

Take a breath and relax

Activation takes time, diving downward

Into dark Mother Earth's womb

To feel, to witness all the shadowy parts of

Ourselves, the dark beings in our lives

Get to know and embrace them

Bring them up into the light

A ceremony for accepting all our internal parts

Even those that trouble us

A celestial ceremony 

Lifting us up into the Spirit World

Where we are naked

Once more

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