The beach calls
The sand whispers
Mother Ocean dark and deep
Soothes while
Life abounds inside
And all around her
Herons stand quietly, silently
Pelicans squawk and dive
For their next meal
The sounds, the heat
The cool breezes call
Far away from the beach
Away from the Ocean
I still bask in the Sun
Warming my heart and body
Slowing me down
From the fast pace of city life
While I age, I am
Thrilled to have
Open space and time
More than ever before
Until now
Learning to listen
Learning calmness
Learning that fast movement
Is only one state of being
I find Mother Earth and Ocean
Father Sky and breezes
Beings all around us still in
Shades of summer
Underground, underwater
Up above
Bird songs bringing
Deep Mystery and beauty
I also love the joy, freedom
And coolness of electricity
Without sweating the small stuff
Bliss, actually
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