Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A Kaleidoscopic Life: a metamorphic poem

I have been a white albatross sailing the seas

Soaring in breezes, rarely touching ground

I have been a Portuguese Man O’War 

Floating on the ocean surface

My lengthy tentacles dangling underneath

It may be time to ground myself to Mother Earth

What form shall I inhabit?

A mama grizzly bear caring for her young or

A worm loosening the dry dirt

Assisting in the work of plants and trees

Nurturing the mycelial network

Why not a sprouting mushroom 

Transmuting death and decay

A bird or duck flying in the air

Rooting around in the ground 

Or diving into water for food

Nesting, always near flowing water

A pelican pure and simple

I have also burned brightly as fire in the past

And perhaps sometimes currently

Not so wild and incandescent as before

A softer burn, with syncopated sparks 

Wafting into the mystique

A dragon in a volcano or castle

A manatee in springs procreating

A hawk flying high up near osprey and buzzards

A giant slinking jaguar, cunning and ravenous

Oh, and I am a human being right now

A variety of elements supports me

I become part of the whole as they 

Nourish my body and soul

Wonder where I will be planted next?

Where will I rise up fresh and new?

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