Sunday, December 18, 2022

Harmonic Odyssey

Closing our eyes

See the silence

Smell the quiet

No place to go

Nothing needs

To be done

Time for the

In between space

Liminal moments

Surrendering to

A total embrace



Weaving together 

Throughout time


Starships sailing into the night

The pulse, the heartbeat

Breathing in and out

Waves rolling like small slopes

Motion rippling slowly

The quantum field

Jewels of the Rainbow

Bright shining glimpses

The Sun

The Divine whispers 

If we slow down and stop

Inviting and listening

Then, we hear

If not, the Divine shouts

Ocean tides

Move in and out

Creating harmony holding

All of life: plants, beasts, cells

Killing, consuming, digesting

Breathing through complex pores and

Gills while fins and paddles swim

Continuous motion

Just like on the top of the water

On the land, in the air

Just like out in space

All the dynamics everywhere

Colors changing

Moving from magenta to deep

Dark blues, purples, and yellows

Reds, oranges and dark black

Sparkling, shimmering around edges

Sliding in and out of view

Merging and transforming

Engaging and separating

Just like we do

Will our Spirit beings

Display their energies

On this particular journey?

Up above 

Down below and

Throughout this energetic

Field of delight and expanse?

Not human forms, rather

A cornucopia of colorful tones

Spectacular looming lights

The blossoming of roses

Caves and streams

Structures and forms

Sacred geometric patterns

We receive their messages

Our senses awash

Beauty rolling, swaying

Just like dance and music

From lyrical, slow, stretching moves

To erratic jolting bass booming 

Wild dancing, singing, shrieking

Relaxing again, the pace becoming

Background sound, soothing 

Being seen, heard, experienced 


Joy and war

Conflict and peace

Holy harmony 

All Nature

All One

Friday, December 9, 2022

This Sacred Rose

The petal of this rose

Softer than baby skin

As supple as 

A wave of music

A particle of sunlight

Ah, I see a Mother Ocean splash

Dolphin’s fabulous fin emerging

Breathing in fresh air

Diving into the deep

Surfacing again and again

Feeding and breathing

Rollicking and recycling

The water holds us

From the horseshoe crab

To the tiniest living cell 

The omnipresent ocean swims her

Beasts, plants, creatures

Flowing along in her currents

Some spend their lives

Savoring her shifting seas

Tinkering with the tides

In and out, back and forth

Gliding, swirling, spinning

Seeking the support of

Salty water all around 

Lifting our souls 

Up into the heavens

While some are swallowed 

By an octopus

Death, rebirth

Reincarnated into that

Clever consumer's body

Living on and on forever

Passed down and through time

Creating wholeness and


Just like this rose

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

World Without End

Whose sand this is, I think I know

Her house is in the village though

Her home is wide and full of space

We gather outside to meditate

Thanking the wisdom from wherever 

We seek her: Stars, Moon, Sun

Plants, minerals, rocks, everywhere

Inside of us and all around us

We rock and roll throughout our lives

Knocking down anthills to survive

Wanting to make our claim as people

When we are so much more than human

Wily and cunning, we become what

We eat and absorb from our environments

The noises and music

The odors and glorious smells of 

Fresh bread and chocolate

The liquids around us, oh, the water

We drink and bathe in, what has

Happened to our water?

We cannot clean off this slime

We dig so deeply into the soil

To find new spring waters to quench 

Our thirst, to cleanse ourselves

Hoping for transformation, rebirth

Once naked, new, and innocent, we

Discover a huge mountain

Whose peak we can never reach

Until we decide to let go, release

Surrendering to the inner knowing

And the knowing field all that 

We knew before, all that we will 

Learn and all that we are

From the depths of Mother Ocean

To the air currents of Father Sky

We are nature, dropping down

Into a devotional pose

Knowing what we have known all along

We were not just born here

We have not just been living here

We have been around forever

From star systems to starbursts

From galaxies to the deep core of Mother Earth

All of us humans joining together

For just this lifetime, now

Pleased to be part of the process

Longing to know where we came from

Where are we now and where we might go

After dying when we explode

We are all times and all space

From everything our human brain

Knows to what we cannot fathom

All we are now, have been and will be

“… as it was in the beginning

Is now, and ever shall be

World without end. Amen.”

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Ancient Mother Goddess Gifts

Searching through the clouds 

Through my Body and Soul

She finally finds me underneath this

Powerful mind, this ego of mine

The Ancient Mother Goddess sends me gifts

Frequently but sometimes

I don’t receive them because of the clutter

Within, or distractions, or busy mind or body

So many gifts left in cold storage

Unseen, unopened, neglected

My Soul calls out to her

"Here I am!  

Just wade through the muddy water

Through the algae and the tossed off skins

I have shed

You can catch me in the early mornings

Or in my dreams

Please announce your presence"

I awakened with a jolt

The dogs aren’t barking

My husband isn’t snoring

What woke me up?

Just a dream of glorious nature

Rippling water flowing down a stream

A dream in which a bushy beaver is

Building a dam to create deep water

Spots, protecting him and his family

From land predators

A damn not just for blockage

But for sustenance, survival

As I pass by the busy beaver

I see squirrels and chipmunks

Fat cheeks filled with food

A snake slinks slowly by

A croaky crow caws from the bamboo 

Crows often caution me when 

Hawks come flying by or when predators sit 

High in amazingly tall trees, hunting

Danger lurking? Or, just life cycling in and out

Around and through, season to season

We change along with the rest of nature

All needing food to eat, water to drink

Clean air to breathe, someone(s) to love

"Ah," says the Ancient Mother Goddess

"I got through her thick skull!

I was able to prompt her to be still 

Long enough to view the beauty

All around her, bringing stimulation

And peace, all together, all at once

My mission for today is accomplished"

And, so it is

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Jolting Genocide

In a recent dream

I saw a Mississippi Mound

In the 1960's

Near where I lived

When I was young

The Mississippi Delta

A dusty, dry, grassy hill with arrowheads

Waiting to be discovered

A Deep South United States pyramid

Holding Native American dead bodies 

Perhaps buried with pets and weapons

An earthen storage space 

Who built this mound of

Mother Earth and why?

Seems some mounds were flat-topped stages

Elevated ceremonial platforms for rituals

Huge earthen, sacred geometric shapes

Some designed to look like animals, snakes, birds

Tombs for bones of important people

Some temples, open plazas

Areas for council meetings
Or residences of
Chiefs and priests

At some point

Mound-building stopped

My dream shifted 

Trolls and faeries approached 

Telling me: 'You don’t belong here'

I am attracted to dark, wet

Forests with sprites, flying

Spirits and curious elves 

Bouncing from one branch to another

Creating a cauldron, mixing magick

Our white ancestors stole so much property

From indigenous people, moving and wiping out  

Native Americans 

These European white people 

Pioneered their greed, ravaging 

Human beings, women and children

Stealing and killing, pushing them westward

Jolting genocide

Looking back at one past life, my 

Indian Princess Warrior Woman

Strong, bold, solid and protective

She would have killed some of 

My white ancestors

(Not one for lying down and being cowardly)

She and I would have tried to destroy these men

Who tried to rape us (and our children)

Who set fire to our tepees

Who told us we were animals and scum

We, too, shot arrows through their hearts

We, too, took our hatchets 

Slicing their scalps, claiming corpses

Dragging them behind our fast horses

Throwing them into a pile of 

The dead, murderers, savages

Who are the perpetrators and 

Who belongs to the Beloved community?

I have played both parts

And lots of roles in between

Lots of blood on my hands

Lots of love in these hands, too

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Once upon a time

All I knew was warmth

Nurturance, safety, love

An idea of heaven

At that time, I was floating around 

Drifting along in sparkles and space

Gases and liquids holding me gently

Once upon another time, I felt 

One flesh splitting into two

My bones crushing together

Constricting and contracting


Danger, danger!


Suddenly, I flew out of my earthly mother's womb 

Thankfully caught - by cold hands

Breath?  What is that?

A discomfort in my belly, throat and 

And chest, coughing, crying

My first breath, shaking, shrieking

Falling into my mother's

Warm, pillowy breast

Sinking into her tender, supple skin

A gush of milk flowed into my

Mewling mouth and

I discovered heaven on earth

Now, remembering, I yearn for

The embrace of meditation or sleep 

When I merge with the Divine Mother

Once again

She never lets me go

Friday, October 21, 2022


The tightly held umbilical cord 


Letting go of biological family

Earth history

No longer tethered

We wander

Fear so rooted to being human

Or being anything living on this planet

We are all seeded by exploding stars 

Scattering galactic particles 

When (like Mother Earth formed)

Gravity and magnetism pulled together 

Stardust transforming into more

Solid earthly life

Committing to being human

Living our best lives while feeling the tug

Fear, ache, and separation from ancient 

Family energies, our birth places throughout

Space and every part of the cosmos

Does stardust ask us to have a

Mission here on earth?

Why did we come here

Individually and collectively?

Living these Mysterious questions

Our structure offers hints

Our bodies, tiny parts of our

Soul's purpose here

Hearts, minds and spirits

Personalities incorporate so

Many spinning sets of particles

Let us bow to them and pray

We ask for guidance hearing a message

Encoded in our breath, released over and 

Over again, surrendering our control

Fighting with our resistances instead of

Embracing them and thanking them

For deep healing and growth

Knowing and unknowing


The imprint of all that has 

Happened up until the present

All that has come before

Connecting each part with another

Spinning out the web of change and


Coming home

Saturday, October 8, 2022

El Cóndor

Andean Cóndor

King of the Birds

Hypnotic, haunting 


Black with priestly

White collar

Long living vulture

Sacred scavenger

Cleaning up

After death

Processing life

Wing span almost

Twice my height

Nesting high up

On rock ridge

Wondrous wings

Taking flight

Sailing the winds

Soaring the skies

Biting through tough skin

Feasting on flesh

Much like the 

Majestic mushroom

Decomposing the 

Decaying dead

Recycling Life

Nurturing the Earth

Mystical, miraculous 



Bridging between

Heaven and Earth

Whispering in our ears

Break Free!

Travel the winds!

Set yourself on Fire

With the Phoenix!

I will meet you there