Thursday, January 26, 2023
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Still Here
So many deaths
Not just bodies
But, hearts and minds
Friends, family
Beloved pets
I know as well as I know
Anything that they are
Most likely better off
Than they were here
At least at the end of
Their lives, animated by
Blood and Breath
Whether by accident
Sudden disease or
Long term illness
They are now released
From their bodies
Hopefully, fluttering around
In some spiritually
Uplifting space
Whatever heaven may be
For them
And here we are
Left, abandoned
Sad and sorrowful
Full of tears and
So much more
We who treasured them
We miss them
Or the they who they were
Before the downfall
Before the diagnosis
Before the wreck
We are grateful to
Have known them
Loved them
Rejoiced with them
Cried with them
Now we cry alone
Along with all those
Who loved them too
Knowing that we still
Rub up against their
Energies some days
In whatever form
We feel them
As if they are still here
And, they are
A Call in the Fall
She came lunging toward me
When I tripped, fell and rolled
No cars or people around
Just me and my dogs
My turquoise winter coat
Held me tightly
No scrapes or bruises
Just a tiny cut
On my knee
No blood, no damage
How on earth
Is it possible that I
Fell and was Held?
By Mother Earth
My cushy coat
The Goddess
The Sun
The Air
All Divine
The dogs were puzzled
As was I
I lifted myself up
And continued walking
A wake up call?
A message from afar
Or deep down inside
From Mother Earth
From my Spirit guides
Stars and angels all
You are a Soul
Having a human experience
Welcome the call
Keep yourself safe
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Sacred Waters Metamorphosis
A Sacred Waters meditation
My inner temple was Mother Ocean
Pelicans escorted me to
The sandy beach where
I stepped into the water, then
I dove in deeply, following
My Octopus guide
Inside these sacred waters
I became a mermaid
A fish body, fin and all
Turquoise and green scales below
Human on top
Swirling around with my Octopus friend
Swimming and floating
On top of the ocean
Surrounded by the ancient ones
Dolphins swarmed around me
Chattering and nudging
My intention was to willingly
My chakras suddenly opened
To channel Spirit, one day
To speak and write about
The vital treasures that I have
Been absorbing for so many years
Floating and feeling the
Sun on my face and chest
My large fin relaxed, immersed and
Soaking in the Salt Water of my Soul
Within the belly of Mother Ocean
I belong here
I was born here
I will die here
This is my metamorphosis
Transforming from life
To death, the sacred waters
Scattered my decaying body
Sharing me as food for
Plants, fish, mammals
This efficient cycle of life
Part of the whole
I now sing to all the world
The good news of the
Truths that are being
Revealed to all who
Allow the receiving of
The Divine
Sharing wisdom
All the days of our human lives
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Sensory Scenes
The flute, piccolo, and bassoon
My earlier instruments
Now I listen to crows’ caws
Warning us about the
Hawks in the trees nearby
My mother’s fried chicken
Popping and spewing
Cooking just right
Tasty grease and salt
Going down easy
Touching my tiny dog’s
Soft fur, smelling the salt
From our beach walk
Hiding from the burrs
Violence erupting
Guns aflame
Tragic streets in our nation
Worse tragedy in Ukraine
Here, police shooting at
Black and brown men and children
I hear Martin Luther King’s voice
I feel his
Presence in my bones
Soul speaking wisdom
Courage and Beloved Community
Anger feels like fire
Rippling down my spine
Love feels cuddly, juicy, sweet
Peace seems billowy and heavenly
The Spirit oozes with joy and delight
Friday, January 6, 2023
Beach Feathers
Walking along the ocean sands
Bright sun rippling in the water
I stop and gaze, closing my eyes so
I can hear Mother Ocean talk to me
Tears fall
I tell my luminous, white
Mother Goose that I no
Longer need her feathery wings
Laced around me all of the time
(Although I may return
For shelter and comfort
Once in awhile)
I am moving on, stepping forward
Taking a leap of faith
Strolling onto the dock
Where the sailboat is moored
I am ready now
For the Divine Mystery
To unfold
The winds to lift and carry me
To an unknown space
Wasn’t ready before now
Don’t know
What will happen
Don’t yet need to know
I squat on top of the sand
Pick up the tiniest of
Shells, then am struck
By the white downy feathers
Stuck in the drying, dying
Kelp which hold so many tiny
Shells and shell crumbles
Walking from one pile of seaweed
To the next, seeing and gently picking up
Small, fragile downy feathers
Imagining the seagulls and
Sandpipers preening themselves
Beaks pulling out feathers
Reaping oil from glands
Small white feathers descending
Wandering further
My hand is full of
Soft, fluffy feathers
No longer intrigued
By shells, sun, or water
I carry my pearly white
Ethereal feathers indoors
To wonder about them
To make my own nest
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Goddesses, Gods, and Humans
The Celtic Goddess of Spring, dawn and fertility
Brigid was also a goddess of birth, protection
Agriculture, music, and art
Viewed at times as a fighter or a flame
Different cultures, different meanings
Maybe a triple goddess or just one
Myths, creeds, and folklore abound
Who are our goddesses and gods
And are we included in the list?
A goddess protects the land, the skies, and the seas
A goddess treats the sick, heals and comforts the wounded
A goddess brings forth life (and maybe even death?)
She is all knowing, all seeing, all giving
Sounds like the God that I grew up with
In a church, omnipresent
Lord of all the heavens, the
Earth, the waters and the air
Lord of people and animals
Rocks and minerals
God bless the little children
Surely a god or goddess is
Androgynous or
Transgender, at least
Not a person at all
So no gender needed
What do I know, wondering and
Wandering while I write?
Do humans need
Something or someone to worship?
Or do we just need really
Beautiful and inspiring stories
About heroines and heroes?
Is it human to need to believe
That someone, some entity somewhere
Is looking down on us, or up at us
Watching what happens to us
Comforting us when we need it
And sparking us to move forward
When the world needs us?
Some deities are animals or plants
I worship the jaguar, the hawk and the goose
Along with the elephant and the snake
Trees are deities as are the rose and
So many other flowers
Some worship objects or Jesus or Mary
A well, a mountain, or a seed
A medicine or a shaman
Or the magic dollar, power, or fame
If we don’t worship and pray to a deity
Then what would we worship
Pray to, get mad at, and seek to know
If our lives are not going our way
Who do we look toward to help us?
Surely we have found out that other
Human beings may act like saviors for
Awhile, but ultimately they (we)
Let each other down
Just by being human
Some goddess or god must
Have made them (us) that way
The Muse is speaking
I am listening
Is She my goddess?
The Great Mysteries remain
Let’s keep asking
Questions and
Sharing them