Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sacred Chalice

Chaos, violence, pestilence and

Bright white smattering light

Connected between human bodies

Mother Earth, and Spirit

Extremes and juxtapositions

Longing for the beams of bright

Denying, avoiding or resisting

The dark blackness of density

Ushering us into a new time

A New Earth

A Sudden Transformation

That takes its time

Moving slowly across the desert

Slouching towards Bethlehem

Through war, famine, rape

Murder, quenching only slightly

The traumatized authoritarian rulers

Who demand utter loyalty and

Blind devotion, a 

Mockery of Christian values

Make humanity great again?
Humans have always been dark and light

Hungry for food, shelter, sex and 

Power, filling our appetites to the brim

Horrific tragedy and trauma

Flowing over from this sacred chalice 

A biological correction begins

Destroying the old, celebrating the new

The phoenix finally dives toward

The earth, dashing herself into the
Ground only to burn into glowing ashes

To become reborn so differently

Than ever before 

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