Thursday, August 15, 2024

City, not City



Fifty years in this city

Wondrous energy

Hard work

Darkness, density


Raising a family

Joy and Stress

Dryness and congestion

Chiggers and allergies

Tired, slowing down


Not city

Bright and sparkly

Freedom and Peace

Expansion of awareness

Fluttering wings

Quiet, humble

Friendly, calm


Salty wet breezes

Relaxing in a 

New community

Wild Peace

I try both

Lovely, different birds in each

When coming back to city

From not city

I yearn for not city

Feeling city interstate

Nearby, vibrating my bones

Organs, heart and mind

Jostling my spirits and senses

I grow numb in city

Get busy in city

Involuntarily protecting

Myself from all the noise

Crime, traffic, sirens

Concrete hard edges

Roars and monsters

I stay indoors

Only to venture out to see

Trees, plants, gardens

Nature and people

I walk with loving dogs

Who seem to find

Both city and not city smells

Very Interesting

They bark indoors 

Sensing and hearing

The numerous and consistent

Shudderings, frequencies

Sounds of all sorts

Ghosts, hardships

Poverty and longings

Politics and chaos

People and critters

Rats, chipmunks, mice

Rattling around

(or am I projecting?)

My heart, body, mind, and

Soul are nurtured best 

In not city

(used to be in city

not so anymore)

I need to return to not city

Soon to remember and

To reconnect to

Who I am


Where and how

I want to be

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