Monday, September 9, 2024

Wherever I AM

I heard today from beyond that for me

Florida is a state of Mind

I added to that voice, it is also

A state of Heart and Body

I found peace in Florida

Calm and joy in the salt waters

Of my soul in its quiet space

Harder for me to feel that in our city

Is Florida where I need to be or

Rather, do I get to find out

How to find that Peace of Mind

Heart and Body wherever I am?

In whatever state, whatever beach

Whatever city or mountain

Can I find ways to BE HERE NOW

Wherever I am?

Hopefully so, because longing for and 

Chasing one place or another is an ever-changing

Tide, shifting back and forth

Up and down, erratic and full of feelings

High tide, low tide, just because 

That is how tides flow, with regularity

I want to be a rugged raptor gliding in the sky

Subject to winds, breezes and air currents

That assist in flight but also sometimes 

Change my path, when I fly against instead of with

Would I rather be a coral watching

The tides flow by, or am I then subject

To Climate Change and Bleaching

Starved from too much warm water

Too often?

Maybe it’s not a matter of who or what

I want to be, maybe it is a matter of 

Who I AM, taking me wherever I go

Escorting me on whatever journey I desire

Always needing to stop, be still

Relax, breathe and listen, listen, listen

So that I will remember who I AM
And be just that and nothing more or

Different, just being here now

After all, it has been my harsh judgments of the city

The noise, stress, danger, and dense frequencies

Realizing these are not good for me

So location does matter, and still I can stay

Connected to myself, to my family, and to my soul

While the world drifts by whether in 

Hurricanes or wildfires, and

I will lie down peacefully in 

The chaos of whatever dynamic or disarray

And, breathe, being at one with 

Spirit, Soul, Mind, Heart and Body

All willing and all connected together 

With glowing, fine filaments

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