Friday, September 27, 2024

The Shekinah of Hurricane Helene

The Divine Feminine, the Shekinah of 

Hurricane Helene dives down into the depths of

Her seas while also spiraling up into the skies

Stirring up the water from her deep dark spaces

Plunging out wiggling and wobbling winds

With her orgasmic strength, spinning slowly at first

Creating a wide vibrating vortex all over the lands

Having stored up energy for so long before 

Releasing and spewing like a volcano

Helene erupts into the air and activates

Surging waves and tides crashing into each other

The elements, fire, air, water, earth, and Spirit

Categorized a catastrophe by humans

A turbulent and violent cleansing

What if, like any release or surrender

Sneezes and orgasms

A tensing up, a constriction occurs

Friction generates and cramps

The body and heart, seeking release

Letting go of all that holding in and

Holding on for so long until there is

No alternative but to shake and snarl

Blowing out all the traumas and tribulations

All the stresses, insecurities, fears and horror

Casting out from the center source all the ways

In which we hide and hold back

Shielding ourselves from misery, or so we think

In turn, keeping us from living fully, modulating

Even our words, much less our feelings, our desires

Our actions, we have been told to, “Calm down

Keep it to yourself, don’t be too excited, or 

Too animated and surely don’t be too 

Loud or disgusting to others

Keep it down, shut up, and close it down, please!”

They wail, begging us to cut out our hearts

Live as if we were stone, rock, no feelings

No life lived, no sharing or making messes

Devoted to the Divine Shekinah

Helene becomes a symbol for our world

Our women, our people, our planet, our climate
Mother Earth and Mother Nature being

Fed up with the passing patriarchy

The cultures that have become

So corrupt that

What seems true is

No longer true

What seems right is now wrong 

What seems up is down

Darkness is Light

Reality gets tangled in the mouths of those

Men and women who speak garishly

Seeking only power, fame and fortune

For themselves

Dictating to the rest of us what we can eat 

How we sleep, love, what we do with our bodies

Along with how we look to them

No room for differentness or otherness

Too frightening and uncomfortable to 

These white nationalist men and women 

Who are so frightened themselves

Trying to put all the rest of us

Into cages, like animals, for them to possess

Direct, torture, and kill at their will

While their cages are so tightly constructed

That they bloat inside their bars with their

Blustering hatred

Their fears and their desires

Coughing up words of crazy

And torment, trying to pull others

Down into their dark, dangerous dens

To keep them from being 

Oh so alone and tortured 


Shekinah cleans out clearly, and offers

Rebirth, transformation and deep

Abiding Grace to everyone who
Opens their eyes, hearts and bodies

To wake up

To allow for activation

Becoming initiated and marked

By Love

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