Thursday, October 10, 2024

Merciful Milton

Paradise Lost kept rumbling through my head

As we watched Hurricane Milton storming toward

Our shaky shores

Is this how human beings pass on like the

Dinosaurs did, a climate change too difficult

For us to manage or handle?

No, Marjorie Taylor Green, no human or 

Political party controls the weather 

But, we do participate, all of us and our ancestors 

Before us, not just in judgment or shame but truthfully

This is how human beings have lived on this earth

For however many (controversial?) years we have 

Been here, living and dying in 3/4 time

Did Merciful Milton spare thousands and millions of

People and pets this go round? 

How many more will still die?

How shall we be decent human beings in the meantime?

Wondering and speculating has some purpose but so does

Feeling and acting loving toward one another all of the time

And not just during a climate disaster or storm

May we be blessed to live in this chaotic time as we

Bring peace and calm to ourselves and to the world

While we assist those who are suffering and in pain

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Meet Me at the Water's Edge

I live at the Water’s Edge

I live between and among

Land and Sea

Amphibian in form

Ethereal in Spirit

My sleek fish body and long tail in the water

My human torso and upper body

Lying on the sand, gritty and tough

My pores open to Water and Air

Earth and Body

Tangling and mixing together

Tendrils wrapping around and

Through me

Bringing delicate light and warmth

Darkness and Desire

Into Oneness

I am devoted to the dark feminine Kali

Along with Black Madonna

Those shadowy but omnipresent

Powerful, magical mysteries

Permeating throughout our culture

And time

The New Earth approaches and

I balance between tides and the moon

Between sun and the winds

I become a bridge to the new world

A connector touching each 

Imagining umbilical cords and

Bonds so tight that sometimes

I cannot breathe

In order not to be imprisoned

We move into the water and 

Swim away like whales and dolphins

Coming up for air

While diving and jumping

Gracefully floating and resting

We run on the sand, breathing heavily

Grit between our toes

Searching for sharks feeding close to the beach

We see them as they scare others

Who are frightened and alone

While we gaze, amazed at the beauty of 

All sea life, as weird and strange as it can be

I am not ready to disconnect, to let go of

One or the other, land or sea

I hold fast to them both partly

Wanting to let go of one, and surrender

To the other, letting the water or air

Drown me with Love and let go of

Some of my receding roles

I play on the earth

Resting in the arms of blissful awakening 

Either here between

Or absorbed into one or the other

Meet me at the Water’s Edge

And we will enter the wild deep

And wild peace of both the

Light and the dark

Each world becoming

Divine experiences 

Holding us up and

Thrashing us about

Until we no longer notice

Fear, once submersed