Sunday, July 21, 2024


What if everything in this world is a playground

A training space or a mystical paradise

Enclosed in an orb of gorgeous clouds and

Blue skies, holding all of us inside it

So that we can grow and heal

As human beings?

What if some of the living beings on our planet and
In other realities throughout the cosmos are
Different from human beings and
That we each surround and support
All that is
What if all living beings are
Part of nature, just like we are
With different skills, different intuitions
Different instincts and that
We all migrate through birth and life
Transformation and physical death
Sometimes choosing our places and
Sometimes being planted here for
Maybe eternity
With all its comings and goings?
What if all that is in the cosmos and in space
All that is in every galaxy and our galaxy
What if all planets stars suns moons asteroids
And chunks of other substances are out there
And inside us as well?

What if some or all of us came
From those galactic places
And we incarnated here on earth
So that we can help other humans
And all living beings
Explore healthy ways to live their lives with
This new Earth approaching, and with
This new Space and Time happening
All together, merging together so that
All of us here inside this beautiful and precious
Changing orb will continue to unite with other galaxies
And star systems and all materials everywhere?
What if we are all connected to
The Source of Light and Darkness
To Divine Intelligence and the Great Mysteries?
What if all that I see and all that I hear and
All that I smell and touch and notice and
Acknowledge is a part of me and is a
Part of you and is a part of the whole?
What if knowing that
We can rejoice and celebrate and
Live more peacefully in bliss
Wherever we are and in whatever shape or form we take
Realizing that pain and suffering is just a part of
Being a living being in this world?
Can we experience everything from pain and tragedy to
Great joy and bliss
Knowing that each are just real and true?
What if this is what ecstasy is?

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