Monday, March 11, 2024

Never Alone Again

Dry desert with hot, streaming sun

Lying on my back facing upwards

Black Birds pecking at my abdomen

Deeply rolling thunder all around

The message I thought I heard

All of my life was

“You need to feed the world”

Which somehow got transformed into

“You need to be the food”

So, imagine my disgust and dislike

Of these birds poking around in my belly

I thought I must be their food

(Which I don’t object to if my

Body has died and I have moved on)

But, the activity wasn’t painful 

Or wretched at all

Actually, clarifying

I am alone

All alone in this dry desert

(Except for the crows and

The Sun, sand, and cacti
Silly me)

Now, I see and feel these

Black crows stitching me up

As if they are seamstresses and 

I am a cloth, they are using

Thread and instruments

To piece me together

Into better working order

Recreating, restoring, renewing

What has been before

Knitting in expansions between 

The capillaries and the arteries

Maintaining a steady flow of

Life, blood, and water

As if they were galactic 

Elemental creatures

Technicians, technologists

Just doing their jobs

Helping this human body

Achieve better health and well-being

A snake begins to loosen my joints

(Those arthritic ones that seem

All crunched up together)

Releasing my neck

Pulling the bones away from

The nerves all the way down my spinal

Column, relaxing and soothing the

Jammed packed channel

Opening up to the Mystery

To Mother Plasma

Machines hover over me

Again, helping to heal old and

New wounds, taking stuff apart

Putting it back together 

Creating new connections

Networking webs all around 

The sore spots bringing more 

Oxygen to every cell, organ, space

I now know that I am 

Not alone in the vast expanse of

This world, Mother Earth, and

Any other worlds around us

Now I hear new

Words for my feelings:

I am never alone with

Stars, suns, heat, cold, galaxies

Black holes, magnetism, and love

Beasts, trees, flowers and plants

I rest now connected with both

Human and divine energies

Emptiness and abundance

Intertwined together

Never Alone again

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