Saturday, March 30, 2024

Umbilical Cords

How many umbilical cords do I have

And what are they good for?

I had one physical one that latched me to my mother

And maybe to a thread that streamed between her

And ancestors, galactic beings, her god

But, when I was born that physical cord was sliced

Shocking and shaking me to my core

At least she held me closely for awhile

This umbilical cord gave me life

I had another physical umbilical cord

One that attached me to the child inside me

Along with a thread between me

And the ancestors, galactic beings, and goddesses

Until the birth and the startling separation began

Shocking and shaking me to my core

A huge loss, much like my first separation as a baby

This time though, my job was to give birth to human life

And, I could still stay attached closely, at least for awhile

This umbilical cord gave my child life

And me, new life

Emotionally and energetically

I have had lots of "umbilical" cords

Floating between me and other beings

But after the first few emotional cords 

Got ripped away from me or lacerated by me

In unpleasant, disastrous fashions

I pulled back in some of these cords and 

Kept them inside in cold storage

Protecting myself as best I could

Until I felt the urge to pull out one or two and 

Reconnect with the world, people, and beasts

Testing the waters every now and then

Sometimes letting more cords flow out

Sometimes pulling them back in

Sometimes they'd snap off just because

An expert tells me

I need to cut my energetic umbilical cord

With my mother

Is that true? 

I wonder why?

If I lop off that energetic umbilical cord

That human lifetime-lasting one

Then who am I?

How do I swing through life

Without a tether to hold me safely to a sturdy anchor

Rusted though that mooring may be?

Oh yes, I get it, an anchor can also be restraining

Restrictive, providing a too-tight cage for me so that

My wings are clipped, although

My wings sometimes feel very full and free, but

I don’t fly much, not really

I am used to this old anchor with my mother

Since I have been attached to it (and her) 


It feels so familiar, why mess with it?

If it ain’t broke, why try to fix it?

Oh, suffering, yes, that can be a problem

Frustration due to limitations and rules I put on myself

Because of my still being attached to my mother

Or to my family, or to society's beliefs, my harbors

I get that

I hear from inside me:

"Be sure to knot the cord 

Before biting through it!"

So what about the unknown?

How about floating through the rest of my life

Untethered, except to the cosmos

To the ocean and Mother Earth

The gods and goddesses

To spirits, sprites and fairies

To ancestors and everything on

And around this earth?

Do I chop off a cord and hook it up to 

Some other various sized anchors

Live in the midst of a web of harbors

Beings, entities, stars, moons

Waters, fires, soil, minerals, gases, and even air?

Will that keep me stuck or free me, or

Will a spider come eat me?

Do Spirit guides and divine energies connect 

With my human body and 

Hold me close for not just awhile

But for forever, eternally?

With the Divine Mystery's assistance

Can I pull together all of my

Listless and loosely hanging

Umbilical cords back into the portal of my body, into my naval

And let them grow inside me, healing, loving and

Securing me, sturdy that I have become

Experiencing joy, pain, love, and one day death

When I finally detach from this physical human body?

Then, all my umbilical cords will wrap around my soul 

Dissolve, disappear, or evaporate

As I fly off to a wondrous and no longer mysterious place

From which we all came

Returning to the delight, the paradise, the space

And place where all beings are joined together 

Energies flowing all around between us

Blending, merging, wandering through 

And becoming energies of Love and Spirit 

No longer separated

Or, maybe we have actually been 

Love and Spirit all along 

During our human lives

So no need to become them
Already are them

No longer needing to tether

Because we are all One

A union, communion of souls

Gathering together, and as One

Holding lightly and gently onto

Other human umbilical cords

To those who still live on Earth in bodies 

While they hope to attach to something

That holds them closely and safely

For awhile, as well as liberating them

To live fully, fly high 

And then, one day join us

When and where we are all 

So very free

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