To been born into this world is traumatic
From warm and comfy womb
To traveling down a long
Tight Tunnel, pushing out into the
Bright Cold Light of a hospital room or home
Taking our first human breaths in reaction to
This first trauma of our lives
Our jobs are to grow
To develop into human beings
As best we can
Or rather, we struggle to
Become functional enough to find
Some independence at some point
And to love others along the way
If we can
(Receiving love is a whole different matter)
As we explore and clear away
Our old survival patterns
The habits we have needed in order to live
With as little pain as possible
(Our brains are wondrous, helping us
Deny and avoid lots of pain after
Trauma and neglect occur
Our memories sometimes also collude)
We find openings to a path toward
A more full, loving, generous and kind
Human Life
How we manage to do that may be
By working through
Using all sorts of methods and attempts
Practical techniques and experiences
Creative ways to heal our wounds
To find our own true life blueprints and
That feed us as we feed our worlds
(Or, not, and we suffer)
We know when transformation
Has happened because
For the first time ever really
We breathe more clearly
See and hear more clearly
Touch more easily
All that is around us and inside of us
And then, we know, we acknowledge and
Accept all that is without resistance
(Even though we have many feelings about it all)
We search until we find a tiny spark of life
That is our Spirit living in our human body
Surrounded by, loved by, and blessed by
The Divine
Is the Divine
The spark grows larger
Filling us with bright colorful light
No longer covered up and imprisoned by
So many shoulds and have to's and guilt
And stress and everything else that doesn’t
Really matter
Then, we float more gently
Around our world in a
Delighted state of Being
Looking here and there
Loving here and there
Giving to others here and there
And finding true freedom and
Emancipation here and there
Always and everywhere
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