Friday, May 17, 2024

Faith Wanderings

I fear sometimes that

It is all up to me

This life, this love

This power 

These tragedies

(How silly!)

This dilemma and stress

This mood and feeling

Seems like it is all up to me to accept

To manage, to tolerate, to change

To suffer, or to flow through


Maybe I can surrender 

Whatever this present is

Giving it up or over to a

Divine Intelligence to handle it

For me, for us

I imagine and hope that a 

Spirit, a guide, or a community

Of them (Facilitators of Truth)

Will take care of me

And offer me 

Only or mostly 

Nurturance and love 

(No conflict here, ha!)

Assuming that if I just 

Let Go

Of whatever trouble is happening

That I will float but still feel and

Think but not be overwhelmed

By guilt or blame

Grief or sorrow

Maybe I can cruise through human life

With a crystal in my pocket

Fueled and led by 

Spirits and Faeries

While I listen more openly

And carefully

To what comes through me

(Or, kicks me in the gut)

Maybe I can be an acrobat or

Trapeze artist who perfectly

Coils on time, twists and twirls

Swings and grabs hold of

This connection through one handle

That supports my air dancing

Holding me

Keeping me from falling

Down into some net of shame

I plan to move and do 

To celebrate and share

To shine this bright light offering

To the world:

We are all protected and

Loved through a 

Great Mystery

Called Faith

So we can glide even more 

Gently and easily in

These vast and wondrous 

Currents of human life

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