Friday, May 17, 2024

Birth and Death in 3/4 time

Solar Storms

Sound and Fury

Our sun bursts with energy

Ejecting flames and spirals

Out into our universe

Sometimes impacting Earth

Cicadas, 13 and 17 yr olds

Uprooting from the ground

Arising, shedding skin

Surging out of the womb

Becoming born, mating and

Dying in such swift succession

Much like human life

Our souls hang out 


(Where, we may not know)

A consecration occurs

Mother and Spirit crash together

A sperm meets egg

A fertilized embryo is formed

Cicadas live underground

Babies grow in

A womb of juicy fluids

Everything is taken care of (usually)

By Mother Nature

The fetus, the larva 

The baby jostling about

Or flowing within the waves of

Moods and movement 

Nourishment and buoyancy

Crawling out or surging forth

We grow and transform

Living, loving, and dying

In three quarter time

The sun, cicadas, and our souls

Continue onward

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