To have been abandoned
To abandon
To be left
To leave
Giving up or surrendering
With abandon
Can be good, or not
To be alone
To be rejected
To be left all alone
To long to be alone
To leave others alone
To be offered love
To be or act loving
To receive love
To truly receive being loved
What is wrong with me
What is wrong with them
Why do I hurt
Why do I hurt them?
We suffer, we moan
Even if only on the inside
We can also feel joyful and peaceful
We can feel calm
We can feel pain
We don’t create all of
Our experiences in life
We do sometimes participate
In them, however
We may not be to blame for
Car wrecks
Trauma reactions
We blame ourselves
For such ‘bad’ things
Because if it is our fault then
Maybe we can take control
And change it, maybe, still
Unable to take responsibility
For positive outcomes
Who abandoned whom first?
All babies and children
Had child brains
They perceived any badness
Pain, agony, distress
Around them
As about them
That’s all their not completely
Formed brains knew to do
Unfortunately, we have carried
Those beliefs into our adult lives
Not feeling good enough
Denunciating ourselves for something
Not in our control
Guilty for what we did or didn’t do
Inadequate, defective
Shameful and embarrassed
Even when whatever happened
Had nothing to do with us
At all
Hearing, seeing, understanding these words
Does not change much of anything
What can help us change
Early wounding that has so
Affected us throughout our lives?
Deep work
Spiritual work
Excellent therapy
Meditation practice
Psychedelic practice
Engagement with a
Caring mentor, teacher
Parent, friend, clergy member
And so many other ways
And, all the above
To plunge into these core beliefs
To even explore what’s there
So deep within us
(We are not even conscious
Of many of these beliefs)
If the beliefs are not challenged, understood
And transformed, we can
Keep suffering
Physically, emotionally
And, in so many other ways
We want to heal from this wounding
To care for our abandoned parts
And stop abandoning
Ourselves and each other
We learned to abandon
And to be abandoned
Let’s learn something new