A secret meeting with the Beloved
A sacred tryst
Not behind the high school bleachers
But out in plain sight
This meeting of two who
Merged into one
Not veiled at all
But glaringly seen
Envisioned and dreamt about
Finally, getting to meet
The Beloved!
No makeup needed
No fancy clothes or
Nothing but self
And soul
And my best breath to
Deeply inhale and exhale
Over and over again
I feel swept out to sea
Pulled by the tide of mercy
Wind gusts also persuading
My lift into the air
Pulled over and upward
Not to view the world
But to become one with
The world and Spirit
I feel the Beloved’s touch
Grace that offers magnanimous
Truths and realties
Larger and greater than I have
Previously imagined
Can't get enough of
This elixir, this feeling
So very loved and blessed
Ecstatic and blissful
Oh, to rest here always
But, wait!
I am being tugged back
Down into the winds and
Into the stormy seas of human life
Toil and suffering
Way too soon
I tasted
The delight of the
Sacred Tryst
And I will enjoy it longer
More fully
Once I complete what
I came here to do
To love, to honor, to cherish
All people, all beings that roam
Fly, scuttle, and slither in, on, and
Around our planet Mother Earth
And when my love is more pure
And complete
I will ascend
Not as a reward or
Punishment but
Just because I have finished
These earthly duties
Enjoying the entire ride
All along
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