As she lay dying
I held her hand gently.
Jerking away from me, she
Crushed my heart and soul.
Then, looking up at me
In shame, pleading with her
Eyes, she asked me to give her
Yet another chance to proclaim
Her love and loyalty. She doesn't
Mean to snap in reaction so intensely,
But it happens time after time.
Still she lay dying.
I crawled up beside her
On the bed, and held her while
She lay gasping, seeking her
Last breath.
No one could tear me away
From her cooling, dead body
For days and nights. Alas, I
Clung to her so long that our
Skin and organs merged together,
Siamese Twins.
As we entered paradise, we were
Never broken apart again.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Diving Into My Wreck (Adapted from Adrienne Rich's "Diving into the Wreck")
Diving into my wreck, swimming deep down
Eyes open, slippery skin, breathing in water,
Surviving, ecstatic and amazed,
I can breathe easily
In this vast, translucent darkness.
The Canadian goose, my female guide, whispers
Don’t crawl, don’t walk but dive, swim deeper
Flow through the water like a porpoise, a mermaid,
A slithering snake, swirling around in the abyss,
Avoiding a return to the air, to the light,
To the people.
So dark down here but I see so clearly
Beauty while gliding, free feelings,
Not lost or scared.
Floating back up seems the frightening part,
Filling me with dread.
This is a private sanctuary, safe,
Warm and cool, sweet and sour.
I see only animals, fish beings, plants.
Mud too, dark oozing mud,
Red like blood, but refreshing, bright blood
Not reeking of illness and death
But of new life, as I am
Born and born again.
Back and forth, sometimes being
Catapulted by an impulse, some urge
To enter the light of day and
All that comes with it:
Air, people, and all the messes we
Make of our lives.
Up in the air, I sometimes long to
Dive back down knowing
I will find more peace and harmony
Than up top.
I don't breathe as well up there.
Even though a shark, a dragon,
Stinging nettles and a harsh man of war
Slide by, I am encapsulated in a cocoon
Of love, of wistful patience and gentleness
(No inner critic here. She lives only above the
Dark water, where she breathes
Thick, nasty, poisonous air that focuses
Her arrows of anger and irritation,
Stay away!)
Mother Earth, Mother Spirit, Divine Feminine,
I glide through your smelly waters
Enjoying the pulsing waves and undercurrents,
The storms and the quiet calm,
And everything in between. You hold me,
You lift me up and I can float all day long
And into the night alone, unfettered by
Talk and thinking, worrying and longing.
Not here. Here I am safe and free to be
Me, myself and no other.
My father always said, “Just be yourself,
Just be Your Self.”
Now, I am dancing and singing,
Writing, reading and creating art, and
Thoroughly enjoying myself and my life.
Joyous. Peaceful. Real.
Eyes open, slippery skin, breathing in water,
Surviving, ecstatic and amazed,
I can breathe easily
In this vast, translucent darkness.
The Canadian goose, my female guide, whispers
Don’t crawl, don’t walk but dive, swim deeper
Flow through the water like a porpoise, a mermaid,
A slithering snake, swirling around in the abyss,
Avoiding a return to the air, to the light,
To the people.
So dark down here but I see so clearly
Beauty while gliding, free feelings,
Not lost or scared.
Floating back up seems the frightening part,
Filling me with dread.
This is a private sanctuary, safe,
Warm and cool, sweet and sour.
I see only animals, fish beings, plants.
Mud too, dark oozing mud,
Red like blood, but refreshing, bright blood
Not reeking of illness and death
But of new life, as I am
Born and born again.
Back and forth, sometimes being
Catapulted by an impulse, some urge
To enter the light of day and
All that comes with it:
Air, people, and all the messes we
Make of our lives.
Up in the air, I sometimes long to
Dive back down knowing
I will find more peace and harmony
Than up top.
I don't breathe as well up there.
Even though a shark, a dragon,
Stinging nettles and a harsh man of war
Slide by, I am encapsulated in a cocoon
Of love, of wistful patience and gentleness
(No inner critic here. She lives only above the
Dark water, where she breathes
Thick, nasty, poisonous air that focuses
Her arrows of anger and irritation,
Stay away!)
Mother Earth, Mother Spirit, Divine Feminine,
I glide through your smelly waters
Enjoying the pulsing waves and undercurrents,
The storms and the quiet calm,
And everything in between. You hold me,
You lift me up and I can float all day long
And into the night alone, unfettered by
Talk and thinking, worrying and longing.
Not here. Here I am safe and free to be
Me, myself and no other.
My father always said, “Just be yourself,
Just be Your Self.”
Now, I am dancing and singing,
Writing, reading and creating art, and
Thoroughly enjoying myself and my life.
Joyous. Peaceful. Real.
Break Open the Cages (In Memoriam to Merrill)
I see a nest with eggs, a mother bird beside.
I want to be that bird, that nest, those eggs, all.
Each serves a function
Each has spirit and life.
But my egg is constraining,
Caged in by that awful but
Wondrous shell, the shell
That protects, the shell that
Limits, the shell that is both
Necessary and there to be
Broken apart when I am growing
Too big to stay in, too pretzled to move,
So tired of being so young and good.
I want to break out.
But only when I am ready, grown up
Enough to lose the shell that encases me,
Still protecting me but keeping me
From exploring many other parts of life,
The air, the sand, the sea, the wind,
The mountains, trees and flowers.
The shell Interferes with connecting to others
Who are like me but not like me,
Sometimes wonderfully loving, exciting,
Calm and true, and sometimes
Breaking me up into little
Pieces that shatter without having that
Shell to keep me from flying apart.
Speaking of flying, I want to not just
Escape this shell (or, rather shells),
I want to fly not away but toward
The Now of my life,
Each day, each moment, now.
Flying helps because I am nimble,
Light and strong, and can rush toward
The altar that I desire only to wing away
When a fire destroys this altar and
Every little piece of faith I ever had.
Faltering, swooping, not really free yet.
I must eat, I must sleep, I must also
Find safety not in a new shell but in a slick, flexible
Membrane with porous openings all around,
So that I can still breathe the air, smell
The flowers, get lost in the trees and
Rest deeply in the safe new nest that
I have built for myself.
A new nest with sights and sounds,
Height and balance, I can swing throughout
The trees on vines like a monkey, or I can
Rest beside the trunk, the north side of moss.
Soft, sequestered, damp and moist, I
Awaken once again into my Self
My true being, broken apart, torn up and
Scarred, but still curious and open to my
New Life, New Love, risking all just to be
(Written at the July 2017 Crazy Brave workshop with Tobi Fishel and Merrill Farnsworth. I did not know that Merrill was ill. In Memoriam to Merrill.)
No Attempt, May 20, 2018
No attempt was made to save her life.
Everyone knew he was troubled.
Wearing a trench coat for a year
Hiding his shame beneath his guns,
His self-loathing and rage after being
Bullied, beaten up far too often.
The girl befriended him, trying
To be an open, caring person,
Until he misread her signals, her cues.
She had broken his heart without ever
Even knowing it.
Until he shot her dead inside the school.
There she learned all there is to know
About life and death, love and sacrifice.
The boy didn’t have the courage
To kill himself after murdering so many others,
No courage at all to turn the gun on himself.
The other students thought this was just a
Fire drill, eyes glued to their phones
Sauntering outside the school building
Only to learn later of the havoc, the horror:
10 people dead, 10 wounded.
It is time to talk about guns. It has been time for so long.
How many more children, how many people need to die
Before we say,
We will not allow our children
To enter school buildings scared that the next shooter will be
One of them, when some boy has just had enough
And goes out with a bang, and no whimper.
When will we protect the children,
Who are slain, mutilated, cut off at the knees
Before they have a chance to fully live?
Who will stop the shooters if we don’t do something
to keep guns out of these shooters’ hands?
to keep guns out of these shooters’ hands?
No real attempt has been made to save any of their lives.
Thread by Thread
A needle found
Inside a haystack
Sharp, shiny, possibly
Undiscovered until now.
No one paid attention to
The needle’s gleam, her
Sexy, smooth, solitary
Features until
The needle began to do her work.
Pricking, then piercing, stabbing,
Awkwardly and clumsy at first,
Attempting to tie us all together,
To stitch up this planet
Full of so many beings and energies,
Broken and frayed pieces
Just lying about.
Bringing together not only colorful new
Threads but old, wispy ones,
Threads of all kinds, shapes and
Sizes, exotic and unusual threads.
Connecting thread to thread
Pulling seams together,
Leaving space for
Freedom of movement,
And flexibility.
Planning to create a brand new
Sanctified, rare body of cloth, a fabric
Flowing with fertilized flowers and
Fomenting fragrances.
Mending muted misery and pain,
Sewing up the hearts of grief,
Tending to the wounds,
Linking blood to cells and bones,
Piecing together the membrane
Holding lungs, brains, and livers.
Sorting through the tangles,
Smoothing out the separateness,
Collecting and weaving stray,
Wandering threads and attaching
Them, connecting one to another.
Thread by thread,
Tear by tear.
Rip by rip.
Knot by knot.
Patches peeking
Through holes and
Jagged edges.
Sturdy, powerful cloth,
Woven by the soft, gnarled hands
Of a newly born seamstress,
Plunging her needle with surgical
Precision into the clouds,
Grasses and oceans, looping the
Sky together with the fertile soil,
Gently and tenderly tugging together
Disparate diadems of minerals,
Plants, animals and air.
Exploring beyond the
Physical earth to other realms,
Other planes, other life,
Slicing, stitching space, stars
Moon and Sun,
Creating love and closeness,
Transforming together into new life,
Healing one and all.
No matter who you are
No matter where you have been
No matter who your ancestors were
No matter what you have done
No matter what you think and feel
No matter how you act.
We are all one.
One Being, One Love, One Power.
Magical Grace
As I lay floating in fascinating fluid,
I breathe deeply, murmuring the word
“Grace” over and over.
Suddenly, I am surprised,
Virgin gills sprouting in my neck,
As I sink lower and lower, deeper into that
Faithful fluid, still breathing, miraculously.
What is Magic?” I wonder.
“Why, here I am,” Magic spoke,
“I am you and you are me and
Together we make magic."
Still not quite believing, I asked
Magic, “What’s my name?” and
I heard not the name given at my birth
But my real name,
One that I chose when
I began this journey. The
Name that called me, spoke to me,
Not in a whisper but oh so clearly,
A wisdom, a knowing, a blessing.
Ah, Magic, maybe I do know you
And you, me. Are you the
Wind that rustles the leaves, lifting
Just one shining leaf aloft?
Are you the currents I travel on as
I soar above, a hawk hunting prey?
Or, are you my peacock part,
Strutting tail feathers flaring, or
My Mama Grizzly part who
Protects her babies?
Are you my jaguar side
Stealthily wandering
Through the fierce forest
Intent on ferreting out food?
Ah, Magic, are you also the
Mystical Muse who prompts me
To write, because these words
Just come through me (I am not
The Author, I think).
Oh, Magic, are you also the salt
Water that holds me afloat but also
Pulls me under at times, almost
Drowning me when I experience
Agonizing, abysmal feelings, sad and
Sorrowful feelings of grief and anger,
Tormenting me at times?
Or, Magic, are you Grace, and do you also
Push me back up from those watery depths that
Seem to seek to kill me with their seduction,
Exhaling your breath into my floating body?
Perhaps, Magic, you are Grace, playing
The music that drenches my
Bones with its bass notes and taunting
Beats, devouring me like a lover who has
Been away far too long.
Ah, Magical Grace, no longer do you perplex me
With wonder, but you open me up like the
Voice of an angel, cloaked at times like an
Evil spirit that longs to escape these binds
That keep me from blossoming.
Magical Grace, I believe you now. I believe
I have worshiped you all of my life.
Mesmerize me with your spirit,
Breathe into me again and again.
How do I find you?
She responds:
"Breathe, Relax, Float, Listen, Be Still.
Breathe some more and let
Me take over your heart, your mind,
Your body and your soul while you rest
In Bliss, awake in Joy."
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