Monday, May 25, 2020

Volcanic Delight

Pregnant with hope, joy, sorrow,
Each clamoring to leak out.
I start at the end and travel
Back to the beginning,
To the Source.

Like a tiny weed bursting through
Hot rock, sticky and sweet,
Obliterating heaven and hell,
I enter a fire in the belly of
This wondrous mountain.

Climbing up to the top,
Sliding into the mouth of the
Rumbling volcano,
Fiery bits of scalding steam
Burn my skin, I am gobbled up
As the volcano seizes
My heart for its own.

Who I am crumbles,
Melts away as the world's
Mundane cares cease.
Flowing toward the Source,
No longer myself but a blend
Of heat, fire and ash.

The volcano consumes
Whoever and whatever drops down
From the Sky, especially those
Sassy and sacred souls wandering
The hot earth, climbing up this mountain
To purposely dive in, wholeheartedly
Seeking, searching and finding
The Blessedness of the Merge,
The oneness of all Being,
All Knowing, all Believing.

Joining with all those who came before,
Along with all those who will come after,
We enter this hole in the earth,
Flying downwards, then upwards into the
Flames, giving ourselves over to the
Truth, the Beauty, the
Wonder of Life.

No longer do we worry,
No longer separate but
Sacredly connected by
Open hearts of desire,
Longing for the one
Ineffable Love which seems
Illusive at times but surrounds us
Always, right here, right now.

When our hearts, minds and bodies
Open and relax into the Surrender,
We rejoice in letting go of
Who we may be to emerge
As one delightful energy.

Sharing with the world,
Our glimpses and glimmers,
Our shimmering brightness,
Beaming inside us,
Scintillating and sparkling,
We hope to create Light
And Hope for all.

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