Monday, May 25, 2020


Torch the past, bury it deep,
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Good riddance.

I wear new clothes now that
All the old have melted off.
I see with fresh, new, clear eyes
Now that my lashes have burned away.

I can open my heart more widely
Whose scars have been cauterized
By those lofty, intense flames.

I can rest again, born anew,
Love again and more freely,
More fully with the
Shackles released, the rules
Of my childhood blazed away.

Creating new life, new structures
New and vibrant energy that
Also burns brightly, hotly
Gleaming again, shiny and new.

The wrinkles fade, my age is timeless,
My skin soft once more,
I return to being a child,
My child, open to all that the
World has to offer, and I will
Protect her as best I can,
Knowing that she will also have
To step into the flames one day.

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