Monday, May 25, 2020

Magical Grace

As I lay floating in fascinating fluid,
I breathe deeply, murmuring the word
“Grace” over and over.
Suddenly, I am surprised,
Virgin gills sprouting in my neck,
As I sink lower and lower, deeper into that
Faithful fluid, still breathing, miraculously.

What is Magic?” I wonder.
“Why, here I am,” Magic spoke,
“I am you and you are me and
Together we make magic."

Still not quite believing, I asked
Magic, “What’s my name?” and
I heard not the name given at my birth
But my real name,
One that I chose when
I began this journey. The
Name that called me, spoke to me,
Not in a whisper but oh so clearly,
A wisdom, a knowing, a blessing.

Ah, Magic, maybe I do know you
And you, me. Are you the
Wind that rustles the leaves, lifting
Just one shining leaf aloft?
Are you the currents I travel on as
I soar above, a hawk hunting prey?

Or, are you my peacock part,
Strutting tail feathers flaring, or
My Mama Grizzly part who
Protects her babies?
Are you my jaguar side
Stealthily wandering 
Through the fierce forest
Intent on ferreting out food?

Ah, Magic, are you also the
Mystical Muse who prompts me
To write, because these words
Just come through me (I am not
The Author, I think).

Oh, Magic, are you also the salt
Water that holds me afloat but also
Pulls me under at times, almost
Drowning me when I experience
Agonizing, abysmal feelings, sad and
Sorrowful feelings of grief and anger,
Tormenting me at times?

Or, Magic, are you Grace, and do you also
Push me back up from those watery depths that
Seem to seek to kill me with their seduction,
Exhaling your breath into my floating body?

Perhaps, Magic, you are Grace, playing
The music that drenches my
Bones with its bass notes and taunting
Beats, devouring me like a lover who has
Been away far too long.

Ah, Magical Grace, no longer do you perplex me
With wonder, but you open me up like the
Voice of an angel, cloaked at times like an
Evil spirit that longs to escape these binds
That keep me from blossoming.

Magical Grace, I believe you now. I believe
I have worshiped you all of my life.
Mesmerize me with your spirit,
Breathe into me again and again.

How do I find you?

She responds:
"Breathe, Relax, Float, Listen, Be Still.
Breathe some more and let
Me take over your heart, your mind,
Your body and your soul while you rest

In Bliss, awake in Joy."

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