Monday, May 25, 2020

Thread by Thread

A needle found
Inside a haystack
Sharp, shiny, possibly
Undiscovered until now.

No one paid attention to
The needle’s gleam, her
Sexy, smooth, solitary
Features until
The needle began to do her work.

Pricking, then piercing, stabbing,
Awkwardly and clumsy at first,
Attempting to tie us all together,
To stitch up this planet
Full of so many beings and energies,
Broken and frayed pieces
Just lying about.

Bringing together not only colorful new
Threads but old, wispy ones,
Threads of all kinds, shapes and
Sizes, exotic and unusual threads.

Connecting thread to thread
Pulling seams together,
Leaving space for
Freedom of movement,
And flexibility.

Planning to create a brand new
Sanctified, rare body of cloth, a fabric
Flowing with fertilized flowers and
Fomenting fragrances.

Mending muted misery and pain,
Sewing up the hearts of grief,
Tending to the wounds,
Linking blood to cells and bones,
Piecing together the membrane
Holding lungs, brains, and livers.

Sorting through the tangles,
Smoothing out the separateness,
Collecting and weaving stray,
Wandering threads and attaching
Them, connecting one to another.

Thread by thread,
Tear by tear.
Rip by rip.
Knot by knot.
Patches peeking
Through holes and
Jagged edges.

Sturdy, powerful cloth,
Woven by the soft, gnarled hands
Of a newly born seamstress,
Plunging her needle with surgical
Precision into the clouds,
Grasses and oceans, looping the
Sky together with the fertile soil,
Gently and tenderly tugging together
Disparate diadems of minerals,
Plants, animals and air.

Exploring beyond the
Physical earth to other realms,
Other planes, other life,
Slicing, stitching space, stars
Moon and Sun,
Creating love and closeness,
Transforming together into new life,
Healing one and all.

No matter who you are
No matter where you have been
No matter who your ancestors were
No matter what you have done
No matter what you think and feel
No matter how you act.

We are all one.

One Being, One Love, One Power.

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