Monday, May 25, 2020

The Light Shone Round About

An eerie light slipped in                  
Through the wounded door
The one that blocked out
The bad along with the good.

The glow peeked around and
Through the jagged gate
That had been torn through
On far too many occasions.

This illumination invaded
The house of my soul
Violating my home
Glaring at the chaos,
Once upon a time.

This bright energy knocked down
That ragged and fragile portal
Igniting a painful storm
Clearing out all the muck
Cleansing the area around
My heart.
The light warmed
Me inside and out, soothing
My furrowed brow and sweaty palms
Relaxing my joints and
All the pent up fear
I have ever had, this luminous light
Bent over and around, holding me.
Never before have I felt
Such pleasure and comfort
At the same time. Never before
Have I felt this safe and beloved.

This Light’s miraculous gifts
Shine upon us all but
Sometimes our doors are barred
Locked and loaded.

Can we set fire to our own passages
Burn down our armored blockages?
Or, do we have to wait until
This Light finds us?

I hear, “Release the locks,
Throw open the doors, let the Light
Spread throughout your home,
Healing and blessing all of the time."

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