Monday, May 25, 2020

The Desperate Dragon

The dragon suddenly appeared, 
Magnificent, colorful, dark and dangerous,
Flames flowing out of his mouth,
Chewing on sparks and flaring
Fire out of his nose.

He announced his presence.

Why wasn't I scared?
I see me in you, Dragon.
I see myself breathing fire and
Trying to act extremely brave
And boisterous, bold and
Frightening to others,
Chomping at the bit,
Moving my big, clawed feet
This way and that.
Throwing my tail up over
My head and all around
So, that I can be safe.
It often works!

I also see you, Dragon,
Deep below all that blustery
Booming and heat,
I see you shaking inside
When you encounter the world
Outside, so you strut and prance
Rushing toward that fear,
Instead of hiding and avoiding, 
Burning up everything in your path.

"STAY AWAY," you announce,
I get it.

Inside you and inside your cave
You are quiet, breathing beatific breath,
You feel peaceful and calm
Until you hear from outside
Your rock walls
Something that peaks your interest
Or, stimulates you
Or, challenges you so that
You storm out, jets on
Without even knowing who or
What is out there.

One day, you engaged in that
Same behavior and you could
Barely see that a tiny, young
Child was crawling toward
You.  Fresh skin, sweet heart,
Naked and alone.
All at once your blast ceased
And, you curled up around
This little child and held her
In your scaly arms, telling
Her you did not mean to
Be so tumultuous and nasty,
Hoping it wasn't too late
To save her and yourself.

All at once, the heavens
Burst forth with their own
Antidote to your fire,
Water streaming down from
The skies, mixing with your
Tears and the child's sweet smell.

As you both looked up,
You saw not a man, a god
Standing in the sky, but
A beam of light shining so
Brightly and warmly,
That you both felt held
Underneath the storm,
Soothed by the beam
Of bright that brought you
Both together,
Never to be separated again.

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