Monday, May 25, 2020

Burning Free

Flames licking my face
Seducing me to enter 
The fire’s embrace,
Temptation so strong.
When fear takes over
I want to run away or hide
But, the soft, wet flicking of this 
Flame draws me closer to the
Fire, to the burning inside.

Falling in.

The flames rush around me
Engulfing me. And my fear vanishes.
As I surrender, let myself glide deeper
Into the inferno, the ego/my ego
Melts away so I can see
More clearly now.

Wiping my brow as sweat pours 
Down my face, feeling 
More fully alive than
I have ever felt.
More open, more vulnerable.
Oh, I am still frightened but
Committed to this journey of
Fire, flames, heat, 
Burning myself free.

My eyelashes singe, my hair has melted away
My clothes blasted off,
I am naked and shaking until
I begin floating toward
The center of the blaze.

Every part of me that I know of and
Some parts I don’t know 
Burn away.
The last bit of  fear releases as I merge
With a centering flame of Love and
Unity, Oneness, Gods and Goddesses, All.

No longer human, no longer bound by
Traditions, rules and thoughts.
I AM no longer. Only a sensing being
Like all the other beings I see 
Around me, smouldering in this red hot heat.

I can’t go back to those old clothes,
That old life after this flame.
I want to stay here because
Here, I am free to merge,
Free to be, Free to become
Everything and anything.

I shudder to return to
My human body, my mundane and 
Silly cares about people, myself,
Relationships, work and stress.

But, upon awakening, I carry this 
Tingling flame inside me now.  
Different, more open,
More free, more able to love
And be loved, bringing back this shining
Light to share with all the world.

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