Monday, May 25, 2020

The Sparkling Skin of New Life

How many faces have I worn and
Shed year after year?

Now, a naked face stares at me
As if in alien form, kind and
Soft, supple and sweet,
Free of hard worn frowns and wrinkles
Smooth as silk and fresh, not raw.
Ungrooved, this new skin
Symbolizing new life while those other faces are
At home, having done their time, served me well.

Those faces grew out of need, and then wore off,
Shredded by consternation and godless grief,
This new skin has a sheen, hopeful
And bright, innocent and no longer
Searching for something else.

The mouth so unfettered by stress
Relaxes and elongates, while
Inside the tongue drops down
From the roof of my mouth and
Rests comfortably.  My voice no longer
Needing to shout and exclaim even though
All that boisterous activity was certainly
Worthwhile and worthy in its day.

Peeking out from this tender, new skin,
Calm eyes gaze and study the outside
World, no longer as frightening and disturbing,
Less impactful and difficult, more inviting.
Little did I know that I have been protected
Throughout time by a knowledge and
A wisdom that I did not understand  -  until now.

Dwelling currently in the deep expanse of the
Universe, all the worlds, stars and moons,
The liquids and gases, firing up then releasing,
Rising up around and through me.
I am part of these tingling juices,
Flowing eternally with all those I have
Known and not known.

All one.
All here.
All now.

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