Monday, May 25, 2020

Break Open the Cages (In Memoriam to Merrill)

I see a nest with eggs, a mother bird beside.
I want to be that bird, that nest, those eggs, all.
Each serves a function
Each has spirit and life.
But my egg is constraining,
Caged in by that awful but
Wondrous shell, the shell
That protects, the shell that
Limits, the shell that is both
Necessary and there to be
Broken apart when I am growing
Too big to stay in, too pretzled to move,
So tired of being so young and good.

I want to break out.

But only when I am ready, grown up
Enough to lose the shell that encases me,
Still protecting me but keeping me
From exploring many other parts of life,
The air, the sand, the sea, the wind,
The mountains, trees and flowers.

The shell Interferes with connecting to others
Who are like me but not like me,
Sometimes wonderfully loving, exciting,
Calm and true, and sometimes
Breaking me up into little
Pieces that shatter without having that
Shell to keep me from flying apart.

Speaking of flying, I want to not just
Escape this shell (or, rather shells),
I want to fly not away but toward
The Now of my life,
Each day, each moment, now.

Flying helps because I am nimble,
Light and strong, and can rush toward
The altar that I desire only to wing away
When a fire destroys this altar and
Every little piece of faith I ever had.

Faltering, swooping, not really free yet.
I must eat, I must sleep, I must also
Find safety not in a new shell but in a slick, flexible
Membrane with porous openings all around,
So that I can still breathe the air, smell
The flowers, get lost in the trees and
Rest deeply in the safe new nest that
I have built for myself.

A new nest with sights and sounds,
Height and balance, I can swing throughout
The trees on vines like a monkey, or I can
Rest beside the trunk, the north side of moss.

Soft, sequestered, damp and moist, I
Awaken once again into my Self
My true being, broken apart, torn up and
Scarred, but still curious and open to my
New Life, New Love, risking all just to be


(Written at the July 2017 Crazy Brave workshop with Tobi Fishel and Merrill Farnsworth. I did not know that Merrill was ill. In Memoriam to Merrill.)

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